Friday, November 7, 2008

How stupid are you?

ok just a lil story, me and a couple of friends went out friday night, eat and drink, we were having conversation and these days you know politic is very common among black folks. I was talking to one of my home girl who had a friend with her, I realise she had no idea what was going on in this world, she's 28 years of age, had never voted before I asked why she never voted? of course she replied with the same ignorant negro response, her vote dont count. So I asked her does she know the history of voting for black people, how people died for it, she said it was a long time ago, at that point I started feeling sorry for her, because if she was 21 or 23 people would say she still young, which is the best excuse black folks use these days when ever they do or say something stupid. Than she went and say that they already know who the winner is, why should she votes, so I told her if they knew who the winner is why would they campaigning like musicians on tour getting paid instead they spending money trying to get the word out to every voters, and why would they spend so much money on advertisements tv/radio adds? and also if her vote dont count why did they had a recount in 2000, better yet if her vote dont count why do people like her always complaining about the person in office, but yet refuse to vote. Its getting very insterested than she said the dumbest thing ive heard from no one, she ask if Obama was black and american because he was born in hawaii does that make him an american, so i went on and said ma hawaii is part of america, she said ohh, than i asked her why she think so, she said she heard a lady on the news said that Obama was a terrorist so she didnt think he was black, I asked her did she researched about the candidates and also about what the lady said, she said no, my home girl was just there laughing, and thats her friend, but she knew how that she was, and ladies and gentlements the chick has 2 kids just imagine. So for the rest of you stop being a fool and repeating after idiots, do your research and find a reason to vote, know your issues and follow your candidates, because since your vote dont count you are the only one with the problems. On november 4th find your way to the polls, the line is not an excuse not to vote, on friday and saturday nights you stand in line in the cold to go to the club just to get drunk and get shot by someone else, so stand in line to vote just to better your life.

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